As of 17th November 2022, the government have approved a Selective Licensing Scheme within the Borough of Haringey.
This will apply to homes that are let to a single family or two unrelated sharers and landlords will require a license from the council to legally let their properties.
This is clearly a massive shift in the lettings landscape for landlords in the Borough of Haringey and if you have a property that isn’t managed by us you will need to apply for a license and go through the application process.
Our team of local experts are here to help you.
Applications will open prior to the 17th November for “early application” which will provide landlords a discount from the usual £600.00 license fee to £350.00. Please note, the applications and process can be complex and time consuming with relative information needing to be provided. They are not open yet.
Unfortunately, non-compliance for the selective licensing scheme can be punishable of a fine of up to £30,000.00.
Once the application process is open our Property Management Team can complete the application for you, even if you don’t have your property managed by us. *admin fees apply. They can also help answer any questions, email: